Press Kit#


Seattle Radio Field Day 2024 Showcases Amateur Radio’s Emergency Preparedness Capabilities#

[Seattle, WA] – [Date of Release] – The Seattle Radio Field Day 2024, hosted at South Seattle College’s north field, will demonstrate amateur radio’s vital role in emergency communications. This annual event, co-sponsored by four local amateur radio groups, is open to the public and offers a welcoming and inclusive environment for licensed amateur radio operators and anyone interested in the hobby.

Event Highlights#

  • Hands-on Experience: Get on the air and experience single sideband voice, Morse code, or digital communications on HF, VHF, and UHF bands. A Get-On-the-Air (GOTA) station is available for those without licenses to try their hand at ham radio. Expect to make contacts all across the country.

  • Educational Talks and Activities: Learn about building antennas, emergency communications, go-bags, Morse code, and more.

  • Social Atmosphere: Enjoy camping, barbecues, and camaraderie with fellow ham radio and emergency preparedness enthusiasts in a welcoming and inclusive environment.

  • Emergency Preparedness Focus: Witness how amateur radio operators can establish communication networks in the absence of traditional infrastructure: no permanent structures or antennas, no grid power.

Event Details#


“[Quote from an organizer or participant about the importance of amateur radio and the Field Day event.]”

Call to Action#

Join us at Seattle Radio Field Day 2024 to witness amateur radio’s capabilities, learn about emergency preparedness, and experience the excitement of ham radio firsthand.

Media Contact#

Susanna Cunningham
Public Information Officer

Additional Resources#

If applicable, include social media handles and hashtags.

About Seattle Radio Field Day#

Field Day is an annual event that showcases amateur radio’s vital role in emergency communications. The Seattle Radio Field Day is a collaboration between the Puget Sound Repeater Group, the West Seattle Amateur Radio Club, the Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service, and Cascadia Radio. The event is open to the public and features hands-on activities, educational talks, and a social and inclusive atmosphere.

Please note#

  • Fill in the bracketed sections with the appropriate information.

  • Customize the quotes and call to action to fit your event’s messaging.

  • Consider including high-resolution photos or videos of past Field Day events.